Look through our list to find a college or university in Utah that will make your dreams become a reality. There are many universities and colleges in Utah to choose from, and each one provides the perfect mix of fun and studies to make your college experience one that you will carry with you forever.
Utah System of Higher Education (USHE)
- University of Utah U of U Prospective Student Information
- Utah State University USU Prospective Student Information
- Weber State University WSU Prospective Student Information
- Southern Utah University SUU Prospective Student Information
- Snow College SC Prospective Student Information
- Dixie State University DSC Prospective Student Information
- USU Eastern USUE Prospective Student Information
- Utah Valley University UVU Prospective Student Information
- Salt Lake Community College SLCC Prospective Student Information
Technical Colleges
- Bridgerland Bridgerland Prospective Student Information
- Davis Davis Prospective Student Information
- Dixie Dixie Prospective Student Information
- Mountainland Mountainland Prospective Student Information
- Ogden Ogden Prospective Student Information
- Southwest Southwest Prospective Student Information
- Tooele Tooele Prospective Student Information
- Uintah Basin Uintah Basin Prospective Student Information
Utah Private Institutions
- Brigham Young University BYU Prospective Student Information
- Ensign College Ensign College Prospective Student Information
- Western Governors University WGU Prospective Student Information
- Westminster College WC Prospective Student Information
Other Institutions
- Broadview College
- College America
- Columbia College
- Eagle Gate College
- Neumont College of Computer Science
- Provo College
- Stevens-Henager College
- University of Phoenix
- Webster University
USHE Education Academic Resources
- Higheredutah.org Learn about the Utah System of Higher Education and the latest issues facing higher education in Utah at higheredutah.org
- USHE Majors Guide The Majors Guide provides information on the majors and degrees offered at each public college and university in Utah, including how to prepare to be admitted to a field of study, who to contact for specific questions, and what classes are required to complete a degree.
- Utah Career and Technical Education (CTE) Utah’s Career and Technical Education system prepares you to succeed in the workplace. CTE is designed to help students acquire the skills and knowledge needed to find gainful employment. And, CTE is designed to help workers acquire job skills in new fields or refresh skills in an existing career path.
Financial Aid Resources
- Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority UHEAA provides financial assistance to Utah residents and students attending Utah post-secondary institutions. UHEAA has one of the best Borrower Benefits programs in the country.
- my529 The Utah Educational Savings Plan is the official 529 education savings plan sponsored by the State of Utah. It is a “direct-sold” 529 plan, which means that an account can be set up and contributions can be made by dealing directly with UESP. A financial advisor or broker-dealer does not need to be involved.